1929 Czechoslovakian Chamber of Deputies Election Map

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***Hit the square button the top left to go full screen.***

Shapefile Source: @Thorongil16 on Twitter

Data Source: Czech Statistical Office and the National Library of the Czech Republic

Note: Bar graph on top of map shows total percentage of votes received for the Chamber of Deputies. Here's how that translated to seats (out of 300):
RSZML (Republican Party of Farmers and Peasants): 46
ČSDSD (Czechoslovak Social Democratic Workers Party): 39
ČSNS (Czechoslovak National Social Party): 32
KSČ (Czechoslovak Communist Party): 30
ČSL (Czechoslovak People's Party): 25
DSDAP (German Social Democratic Workers Party): 21
HSLS (Hlinka's Slovak People's Party): 19
DW (German Electoral Coalition) 16
ČSND (Czechoslovak National Democratic Party): 15
DCV (German Christian Socialist People's Party): 14
ČSŽOSS (Czechoslovak Trader's Party): 12
OKSZP/MNP/ZDP (Provincial Christian Socialist Party/Hungarian National Party/Zipser German Party): 9
DNSAP (German National Socialist Workers Party): 8
DNP (German Nationalist Party/Sudetendeutscher Landbund): 7
PaZ (Polish and Jewish Union): 4
Liga (National Fascist League): 3
