2020s CDs Interactive Map

Instructions: Double Click on a CD or hit the District button on the bottom right and enter a CD name (i.e. TX-3, TX03 or tx3), then hit the Enter key to zoom to a particular CD. Hit Single/Multiple button to toggle between single or multiple CD selection mode. Hit menu to change maps. Map will change only when a complete choice is made & the menu auto-closes.

Currently, 2020 & 2016 President, 2016/18/20/Special Senate and Last Gov are mapped for all states.

2020 Racial/Hispanic PCT and Population Change are mapped in select states only. Top Ancestry is only mapped at the old tract level using 2014-18 ACS and geography.

Note: Please be patient when loading any block maps. These will take time to load.

Data and shapefile sources include:

Voting and Election Science Team, 2020, "2020 Precinct-Level Election Results", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/K7760H, Harvard Dataverse, V32 for the 2020 maps - and prior years for the 2016 and Governor maps.

California 2016 (Senate) and 2018 (Senate & Gov) data is from the California Statewide block file, loosely aggregated.

New York 2020s House results map data is from OpenElections

Last Updated: October 13, 2022
